Description of the creation
I made this clutch from an old kimono that combines the patterns of bamboo and dahlia. It is made of silk crepe.
I really didn’t understand why this pattern mixed dahlia s and bamboos – did they grow in the same place?
Searching around I found that Japanese writing, dahlia is written with these kanjis: “天竺牡丹” (ten-jiku-bo-tan) –
“Botan” means peony –
“Tenjiku” meant India, before being called “Indo”.
The second sign “Jiku” (竺) also means bamboo.
As if the dahlia secretly, discreetly contained bamboo ?
Maybe that’s why the person who created this pattern intertwined dahlia and bamboo
In any case, diversity is always a happiness, a richness!
You can put a thousand objects, really what you like in this kit.
Former Traveller Fabrics – Bon voyage à vous deux(◡‿◡✿)
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